APRIL 15, 2012
After a long exhausting day of motoring, we arrived at the Moody Gardens Marina just before dark.  The weather was windy, wet & cool for our stay.  We took the opportunity to put It's Perfect in order. 
On Sunday friends from Watergate drove down to check on us.  It was great have friends aboard, this is the last time we will see anyone from home for a while.  After hearing our exciting tale about our trip, they soon headed back for the dock in Kemah.

We left the dock on our bicycles on Monday after lunch looking for the nearest AT&T store.  The weather was cloudy, windy & a little wet.  After approximately 2 miles of peddling we had success.  After purchasing a Hot Spot,  a device to pick up Internet from cell towers we headed back to Moody Gardens.  Round trip was approximately 4 mi. mostly in light rain.  So after a hard ride we stopped in at the Moody Garden Hotel for Happy Hour.  MMMMMM even soaking wet it was great!

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