The sailor returned from the sea!

Five guys in a boat & they all survived to tell about it.  By all reports it was a great ride.  No time to be bored, there was something happening all the time.  Stormy weather and ruff seas kept them all tired and wet for the first couple of days.  In between watches they were kept busy repairing & doing maintenance.  If anything is going to break is does not do it at the dock.  They used more diesel than they expected because of weather & rigging issues so they made an extra stop in Naples to top off the fuel & water tanks.  Then on to the final destination, Key West.  They arrived on friday, Feb 24.  Yeah!!!!!!!!  Leaving Paul & Momma Kat behind everyone headed for the airport on Sat.
Rod is back aboard It's Perfect & working on the short list of things that must be done before our departure.  We are having issues with the camera so no pictures yet, hope we can fix the problem. 

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