JUNE 6, 2012

We are spending our second night in Boot Key, on a mooring ball in the City Marina of Marathon, waiting on a storm system to pass.  After rising early to check the weather, we decided to wait another day & went back to bed.  Hmmmm.... sleeping late is good.

When we finally climbed into the cockpit with breakfast/lunch the sky was overcast & there was a steady southeast breeze blowing.  After finishing breakfast we decided it was time to do one of the chores we have been putting off.  We purchased a 6 person Revere Coastal Commander life raft, in a canister last October.  After researching different brands & types we felt this one fit us best. We have had it lashed to the arch since we left & the time has come to permanently attach it to the deck.  Installing the cradle was much quicker than expected & in about an hour we were finished. 

CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!another job off the list. Enough work for one day.

With that accomplished we loaded the bikes into the dinghy & into town we went.  Our ride to town was not nearly as interesting as in Key West.  We found less traffic & less strange people.  Home Depot - first stop, new gasket for the refrigerator was purchased, (another job on the list).  Then a quick stop at the grocery & the bikes were full again. 

Upon our return happy hour was in order to celebrate the life raft installation.  Will try again tomorrow, up early, check weather & go.  We have picked a spot at Rodriquez Key just before you get to Key Largo to anchor.. The trip will be about 50 miles up the Keys.  Another day in Paradise has come to an end.

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