AUGUST 16, 2012

9AM & It is a beautiful day.  Temp is in the low 80's, the sun is shining & there is a light breeze.  Today we head for Mob Jack Bay.  Rod is in the dinghy helping the sailor whose dinghy turned over in the storm yesterday.  It seems his bike was in there & now it is somewhere on the bottom.  LESSON LEARNED - DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BIKES IN THE DINGHY!  There is not much chance of him finding it but you know Rod, he is always willing to help.

We pulled anchor at 11AM & are heading out into the Chesapeake Bay.  We passed through the Norfolk shipping channel into Hampton Roads & then into the Chesapeake Bay.  It is much larger than I expected.  From the middle of the bay you cannot see land in most places. Since the wind was light, motor sailing is in order.


It got cooler as the day wore on which was great.  The weather has been amazing.  All of you we left in the Texas heat should try this.  We reached Weston Creek off Mob Jack Bay at 6:30PM & came in to look around.
The creek is large, tree lined & there are houses dotted along the shore.  The chart we have, marks several anchorages & we chose one not far from one of the marina's. 

As the sun went down the breeze cooled even more & the sky filled with stars. Hmmm....  It is nice to be out of the city lights & traffic.  We can see a few boats anchored at the other end of the creek but there is almost no traffic.  Time to barbecue some chicken & potatoes with onions.  Add a salad & a glass of wine & this is the end of a truly beautiful day.
View from the deck of
Its Perfect at anchor in the mouth of
Weston Creek off Mob Jack Bay

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