AUGUST 6, 2012

We pulled the anchor at 9:15 AM & left Bonner Bay behind entering the ICW heading north to the Pamlico River.  We crossed the Pamlico entering the Pungo River & from there went up the turned west into Pantego Creek.  Now that could be confusing if you were not paying attention.

Today will be another short day, about 30 miles to Belhaven.   The shores are wooded with grass marshes.  We are amazed that there are few biting insects with one exception.  We have been joined by biting flies. They are viscous & there is no mistaking the pain of their bite.  The fly swatters came out.  Many did not live through the day.

There is not much traffic in this part of the waterway which makes for a much less stressful day.  We turned in behind the breakwater to Belhaven, North Carolina at 3 PM.  At the River Forest Manor Shipyard & Marina, we tied up to top off the gasoline & small price of $10 we drove awater.  This is a very small town & marina.  Today they were out of gasoline, but for the way in a golf cart to a local grocery & gas station.  This is great!  No packing the bikes with groceries.  

The town was very quaint with some wonderful restored homes.  After an hour of shopping we headed back to the boat.  For tonight we will anchor just off the marina inside the breakwater.  We are the only boat in the anchorage & there is little traffic on the water.

By 6 PM we are in the cockpit, planning a longer trip for tomorrow.  It was hamburgers on the grill for dinner, by 8 PM I had called it a day & headed for the shower.  Rod stays in the cockpit until well after dark.  He never tires of watching the changes in the water & sky as the sun goes down.

1 comment:

  1. Hola! Buenes tardes, mi amigos!
    Greetings from Mexico City. I am (fortunately) in the hip part of town and adjusting to doing business on island time, which is known around here as Mexican Standard Time. Forgive my dereliction of duty in checking and commenting on the blog. It was great fun tonight to catch up on your east coast adventures...I especially enjoy the mix of city and nature pics, and that you are having so much fun. A.
