MARCH 9, 2013

Yesterday we left Allen's Cay for Hawksbill Cay. When we arrived to the anchorage that was already quite full, we headed in to check it out. After finding it too shallow for our taste we turned back north to the mooring balls at Shroud Cay. Not the most scenic anchorage the wind was brisk & cool.  The mooring field had little protection & it was a miserable night on the ball.  One night was enough, time to move on.

7:30am –We left Shroud Cay to make our way to Great Guana Cay & Black Point Settlement, the 2nd largest population in the Exhuma's after George Town. The day is partly cloudy, with the wind 10 to 15 knots. 

About 10am we spotted something large & red in the water off the port side. You know us, buy it used or recycled. Around we turned to find a 16 to 18ft fiberglass runabout, with no engine, upside down in the water. We decided it was just a little too big for us to salvage as we sailed around it & back onto our course.

We arrived at Black Point Settlement by 2:30 & anchored in the small bay with about 30 other boats. The water is the beautiful clear azure blue. We will stay here a couple of days & catch up on a few things. Maybe sleep late & take a nap. The town is small, no grocery store as we know it.  We have been told the home baked bread is excellent. 

Stopping in Black Point is a must if you are traveling south in the Bahamas.  The tiny town has only one road that runs around the shore of the bay.  There is a post office (not always open), small restaurants with home cooking, 2 bars, a Laundromat & more. 

The people are friendly, helpful & the pace is slow.  There is a weather front coming in that will keep us here for a few days.  One could get very comfortable at anchor here in Black Point.

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