MAY 29, 2012

Key West was a WILD place to be over the Holiday weekend.  Rod & I spent most of our time just watching the crazy things that went on.  The Key West Minimal Regatta took place in the Key West Bight Marina .  There were boats of plywood, duck tape, PVC pipe, if you could think it up it was there.  The boats were all 10 ft. or under & it was funny to watch.  The Coast Guard was directing traffic & fishing people out of the water when boats capsized or filled with water.
OH MY..... OH MY..............


We rode our bikes to the famous Duval St.  People were everywhere, sidewalks, streets, restaurants, shops & bars, there was standing room only.  From there we went to Mallory Square, tourist trap extraordinaire.  The perfect place to leave your hard earned tourist money.

We still have not made it to the southern most point in the continental US, only 90 miles from Cuba.  That will have to wait for now.  There will be another day for excursions.  Tomorrow boat projects are on the list.


  1. what boat projects did you do? dont leave me hanging.... i gots to know.

    ALSO what's the story with the two "patriotic ladies?" i didnt see any dress like that here in Kemah!


  2. Well this is a PARTY town. There were all kinds of people dressed in all sorts of things. The "patriotic ladies" are actually a gentelman & lady (man on the left) fresh from a party on the dock, looks like they had a great time. CUTE!
    Rod is currently in the dinghy. It has been running a little ruff so, new oil filter, clean carberator & sparkplugs. Installed the EPIB yesterday & next up is to install the life raft permanently behind the mizzen. Most of the things on our current to do list are things we did not get finished before leaving Kemah.


  3. Ha ha. Glad Linda provided a clarification for "ladies"...a term to be used very loosely in Key West with regard to morals and public decorum...not to mention that many ladies you meet there will not have the correct body parts. Or perhaps it is better to say the expected body parts.
