MAY 8, 2012 

We said goodbye to Monarch & Dauphin Island at 7:30 AM.  We are heading for mile marker 155, LULU's in Gulf Shores, Alabama. 

After a short day we arrive at 12:30 PM at Homeport Marina, home of the famous LULU’s.  Jimmy Buffet is not here today but his sister LULU is & the restaurant is crowded.  We pull into the fuel dock & top off all the tanks, then on to the dock.

The weather is warm & humid.  After hooking up shore power & water we are off to sample a "Cheeseburger in Paradise!"  The cheeseburger was great but the Cadillac Margarita was fabulous!  Everyone says this is a must stop for cruisers & they are right, don't miss it!

Back on It’s Perfect we take the opportunity to get things in order.  Rod is busy with boat chores & I am doing pink stuff, what Angela calls girl chores.  By 6PM we have chores done, including laundry.  Time to shower, pour a glass of wine & put our feet up.  The end of another good day. 


  1. I've noticed how hard it is to get involved n blue work when the pink stuff takes up so much time. Still trying though.

  2. Believe me blue work will come in it's own good time. It is amazing how busy I am most of the time. Being bored is not a problem. I heard you two are leaving the end of May! Very cool.

  3. Wow! Is this the bar in Jimmy Buffet's "Bama Breeze"?

    I drew 1st watch for an island hopping overnight passsage in El Caribe with Craig and Angela. As the sun was setting Craig asks what music I want on the stereo and I said "mmmmm.. put Jimmy B on".
    The sun went down, the moon came up and the boat was on a nice beam reach with "auto" at the helm. I was settled into a bean bag on the lee side when "Bama Breeze" came on.
    There was an awful storm blowing through my life at that time and something in that song and moment brought me so much peace that I will never forget it and I go back there every time I hear that song.
    Thanks Craig and Angela!

    I'll have to stop in there for a burger and a 'rita. Is Mick Jagger's name really signed on the bathroom stall?
    (The sentiment remains even if it's not the bar in the song, but if it's not the bar in the song, please delete this before you read it.)

    Ol' Dave

  4. I didn't go in that stall so I can't tell you. We had a good time & then it was time to move on. We are in Panama City sitting in Mcdonalds using the internet. Our bicycles sure do come in handy. We have all had our share of storms blowing through our lives, now it's our turn. Come on down! As Rod says "THIS IS SO COOL" We all deserve a little adventure. Take care.
