JUNE 1, 2012

Today is Friday & there is a storm blowing through.  I thought it would be a good time to tell you about an average day aboard It’s Perfect at anchor & some of the changes in our lives.

Before we left the dock in Kemah we always seemed to be trying to get somewhere.  Our daily agenda was exhausting.   Our determination to accomplish the goals we set, stressful.  We felt our efforts were never enough & time kept slipping by.  Although we loved living on the boat, we were frustrated everyday with the lack of completing our task.

Days are still slipping by.  At anchor our day begins at 9 or 10 AM, sometimes later.  After we wake up there seems to be no hurry to move, when we leisurely get out of bed we are usually amazed at the time.  We make our way to the cockpit with our cup of coffee & light breakfast to see what the world has to offer. The sun is up, the water here is so clear you see the fish swimming below us. 

After seeing what the day has to offer, Rod then addresses any system failure or breakage. If all is well, we then sometimes pick an unfinished project & while Rod starts with that I attempt to make below decks orderly & clean. We both soon lose interest & decide it is time to run errands or go to the beach.   Into the dinghy & off we go to new adventures.

By 6PM or so we are ready to head back to our home on the water.  We then pour a glass of wine & Rod puts a hook in the water. The sun sets while we reflect on our day.

Just about dark Rod starts up the generator & we move below to the salon. By 8:30 or 9PM we are happily sitting in air conditioned comfort, munching on dinner & watching a movie, checking email or reading.

After going out on deck one last time to look over our anchorage & check the dinghy we turn in sometime around midnight.  Another day has slipped away.

This 24 hours might seem boring to some.  Two months ago I would have not believed that I would fit into a schedule like this. The things you would usually disagree on do not seem so important.  Life is still not perfect, but so much less complicated. As you slow down to look at the world around you, a calm & less driven person appears.   Believe it or not...... it could be you.


  1. Sounds great to me! can't wait for my turn....

  2. It has been an amazing transformation for me. I have always had multiple things going at once, I was always busy, even if only in my mind. Everyday I feel the pace slow & my need to constantly move fade. It takes some getting use to but I think you are going to love it!


  3. I think I could get used to it very quickly. That pretty much what I do in the summers, especially when I visit mom....

  4. "I'll have what she's having"

  5. Wow! Thanks so much for that, Linda. After one of those very full weekends here (including a Jimmy Buffett concert in the Woodlands and a celebration of life for a TMCA past Commodore who died a couple of weeks ago) we are back at the house, think about getting back to work this week and then finally getting back to the boat on Friday.
    Your pace sounds much more inviting and something I truly aspire to.

  6. The key is the location. Here we are in paradise & the pace seem's to come with it.
