JUNE 10, 2012

This morning we left Rodriquez Key just about sun up.  Next stop Ft Lauderdale, Fla. about 78 miles north.We motored off shore & raised the sails for the first time in the Atlantic ocean  It was a beautiful sunrise, the weather was partly cloudy with a fresh breeze.  It was a great day to be on the ocean for a sail.

The sailing was great, with the help of the gulf stream we increased our speed to 7 to 8 1/2 knots most of the day.  The weekenders were out in force, lots of boats of all kinds on the water.  We stayed a few miles off shore to take advantage of the gulf stream & reached the marker to the Ft Lauderdale Channel, about 5PM.


We motored down a part of the ICW channel that is called The Miracle Mile.  Wow, I have never in my life seen so many huge private yachts, docked by huge palatial homes in such a short distance. By 6PM we had anchored in a small area just past the first bridge right in the middle of The Miracle Mile.  Next to us was a canoe stern sailboat from Seattle.  Right there in the middle of  huge homes, boats coming & going on the canal, marinas, restaurants & hotels, the man aboard took his shower right on deck. Naked. Very interesting.  I have absolutely nothing against naked men.   Should be a new item on every Bucket List - Bathe naked in your cockpit while anchored in The Miracle Mile!

The sunset was spectacular & again we had a different view of the world.  This is the good life.

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