JULY 8, 2012
Anchored in the Wright River just north of the Savannah River & all is quiet.
our day started by getting up late & doing a little cleaning on Its Perfect.  For me boat cleaning includes bathrooms, vacuuming, changing the linens & airing all the pillows out on the hard top.  Everything smells so good after a day in the sun.  Kent, my brother in law is coming aboard when we reach Savannah tomorrow.

There was a nice breeze & partly cloudy skies.  By mid afternoon it was time for a dinghy ride.  I have been told by those that know, dinghy riding is one of the great entertainments for any cruiser, I think I am beginning to get the idea.  We headed off down the ICW to see what was around the next bend.  Just more of the same.  Most of the east coast ICW is much improved compared to some of the ICW between Texas & Florida.

Back on Its Perfect time for Rod to cook.  The grill is started & I prepare the chicken with olive oil & spices.  While he does the hard stuff on the grill,  I make a fresh salad.  I love this time of the year, all the vegetables are wonderful at the market.  I top it off with a baked potatoes complete with butter & sour cream & dinner is served.  We pour a glass of wine & enjoy.
Tomorrow we leave the Wright River & motor into  the Savanna River for our first look at the great city of Savanna.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all are staying right at a couple of months ahead of us. Glad y'all are doing great and look forward to seeing y'all again on the east coast somewhere.
