JULY 7, 2012
4AM and it is time to leave our anchorage in the Frederica River & head out, destination Savannah, Georgia.  We pulled the anchor & followed all the commercial shrimp & fishing boats through the inlet into the Atlantic.
As the sun rose, the sails came up & we had 10 to 15 knot SW winds pushing us toward our destination.  Because our day began so early taking a nap was in order.  Linda first, then Rod & then Linda again.  I require a little more sleep to keep my wonderful attitude. As we neared mid day the winds began to die down.  We had left the fishing boats behind & had little company on the water.

By mid afternoon a few fishing boats & a lone sailboat had passed us in the distance.

At 3PM we made the turn into the channel of the Tybee Inlet which connects to the Savannah River.  After light winds & beautiful day on the water we were quite surprised when the winds kicked up to 25 to 30 knots & the seas 3 to 4ft.  This made for a very slow & difficult entrance into the river.

Passing us in the rough water of the channel.
It took 2 hours to get to the jetty's  where the water & wind calmed & another hour to our anchorage on the Wright River just off the ICW.  We are now in South Carolina for the first time.

We came in  at low tide & anchored in 12 ft. of water.  After a very long day it was time to put our feet up & pour a margarita.  As we sat & watched the sun go down, we watched a wild pig & its baby rooting around in the grass on the shore.  The end of another beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. Some people underestimate the importance of a good nap lol Glad y'all are taking advantage or some quality nap time
