JULY 5, 2013
Our overnight anchorage in the Frederica River just northeast of Brunswick is being extended.  Last night we sat on deck to watch some of the most amazing fireworks we have ever seen.  From our view we were able to see the Brunswick display along with the fireworks from St. Simons Island & Lanier Islands.  St. Simons & all these coastal islands are rich in history.  Many Civil War era monuments are open to the public including, Ft. Frederica, Simons Light house & more.
We have settled in with few neighbors & little traffic.  The river has an 8ft tide, large tides have taken some getting use to since arriving on the east coast.  We are surrounded by marsh & when the tide goes out our surrounding coast line changes dramatically.  The area is full of wildlife & surprisingly few insects.

We have anchored in an area used as a dolphin nursery.  Here in this quiet cove, dolphin come every year to give birth to their live babies.  Everyday we have seen dolphin swimming in & out of cove in pairs & sometimes groups of 4 or more.  Today we saw the most amazing thing.  It appears to be a brand new baby dolphin, very small & light in color.  Two of the adult dolphin are swimming around & under it, not venturing far from it.  What an wonderful scene, the adults sometimes swim under the baby lifting it up to the top of the water.  Soon the infant is swimming closely with the adults beginning to dive under & around, staying close.
Our days have been slow & unhurried.  We have breakfast about 10AM & dinner about 8PM.  In between, we have done a little more work on the trim down below along with our daily maintenance chores.  To keep ourselves busy the rest of the time Rod works on navigation, we read, watch boats go by & spend hours watching the dolphin around Its Perfect.  You can sometimes hear them blow as they surface but most of the time they come up without a sound & slip silently back under the water.

About 8PM the air conditioning comes on & it is time for dinner & a movie.  Thanks to Captain Craig we have hundreds to choose from.  The lights don't go out till late, our schedule has changed since we moved aboard.  Man this is a tough life.

We will move north, leaving early & go north in the Atlantic to Savannah.  We have parts to pick up at West Marine & my brother in law, Kent is going to join us for the trip to Charleston.  The trip will be a long day of about 95 miles & we are looking forward to getting back out there in the big water.


  1. I think Dolphins are my favorite part so far. We were in the middle of some absolutely yucky rain the other day and seeing a dolphin made my smile and get excited.

  2. 8 foot tides. Wow. Wonder how many people anchor in the evening and awaken to find themselves in the dirt? If you have not seen the movie already, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" is about Savannah. Think it is on the box.
