JANUARY 26, 2013

After traveling for 5 days it is time for a break.  On our first night in North Palm Beach the temp dropped into the 50's & all was quiet.  We slept a little late & got up to a beautiful day.  Through out the day there was a light breeze, temp in the70's & water temp up to 74.

After a late breakfast we took the dinghy into a free dinghy landing, it is a very small sandy area by a small bridge, about half mile from our boat  There were several other dinghy's pulled up & you can lock the dingy up to a cable that is supplied for that purpose.  A great place to leave the dinghy, right in a neighborhood of multimillion dollar homes & one block to the grocery, coffee house & ice cream parlor.  A few blocks down from the grocery is a West Marine, restaurants, banks & more.  Very convenient for all the boaters that anchor in the Lake Worth anchorage.

After making our purchase we made our way back the dinghy & headed back to It's Perfect.  Just as we thought the day was going perfectly, there seems to be a problem with the dinghy motor.  When we landed the dinghy at the landing, we bumped the sand with the prop & of course, it spun the hub on the prop.  As bad as that is, better here than in the islands somewhere.  Since we are not carrying a spare, it is now time to attain one.  DO NOT LEAVE THE DOCK WITHOUT ONE !  We made our way back to the boat slowly.  The motor runs fine, but you must go very slowly, better slow than not at all.  A few phone calls later we have a new prop on order to arrive by Thursday & will turn in the current one to be rebuilt when we pick up the new one.  Just one more detail in the learning curve of the life of a cruiser.


  1. Hey Rod,
    They used to put shear pins in outboards to protect the drive-train and engine from prop strike damage. you might see if yours has one and get some spares of those too.

    Assisant Chief of Maintenance
    S/V Minnow

    1. Yes, they used to,I remember shear pins as a kid. My Dad always had extras in his tackle box. They stopped using those before your kids were born. The cool thing is that now the prop still works at low speed, just above idle. We installed the new prop yeaterday, works great. The old one is our spare.
      Thanks for the respone, glad you're paying attention. Come and see us in the Islands.
