FEBRUARY 19, 2013

Tuesday - Key Biscayne just outside of Hurricane Harbor we weighed anchor at 4:30am to make our crossing of the Gulf Stream into the Bahamas.  We have read many accounts of large & small boats making this trip & we have researched the best time to do it.  It was still more than we expected. 
In Mathew Wilson’s Bahamas Cruising Guide he states “Crossing the Gulf Stream in any kind of craft can best be compared to an ant crossing an airport moving walkway.”   A direct crossing is all but impossible.  For every hour you are in the influence of the Stream you will be carried about 2.5 nm to the north.  Like it or not. 
We left with what appeared to be a good weather window for the day long crossing.  The winds that were supposed to be southeast at 10 to 15 knots were of course 25 to 35.  After 13 hours struggling against wind & current we finished 47 miles and dropped the anchor on the west side of Gun Cay completely exhausted.
Arriving in the Bahamas is a huge milestone for us.  One more destination achieved in our quest of seeing new parts of the world from the deck of It's Perfect.

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