MARCH 28, 2013

Today is a beautiful day & a milestone in our lives.  44Yrs ago Rod & I married. Is it possible? Life moves so fast it seems impossible to keep up. It took us 8 years of marriage before we owned our first 10ft sail boat. In the blink of an eye, the rest is ancient history.

When our children were born, the pace of life increased & before we turned around they are grown with grown children of their own. It's amazing how quickly life changes & every step of the way you change with it.  

Fast forward 44yrs & we are living aboard It's Perfect, clear aqua blue water under our keel & pink sand on the beach. Life aboard has become as normal as living in our house on Tucker St.  Here we have less space & new scenery. The reality is, it is a completely different world, new people, new places, a completely new experience every day that we live aboard. Life has not slowed down, but we are trying to pay more attention & enjoy the small things as the days disappear.

April 1, 2013

We are still in Georgetown, Rod is aboard Vittoria helping Captain Ken with an electrical problem. The strong winds of the past two days have calmed, the sky is blue & the water clear. In the Bahamas the Friday & Monday before & after Easter are holidays. That means Georgetown is closed up tight. 
This afternoon we will explore the beaches & coves of stocking island. The beach sand runs from bright white to light pink & the water is a crystal clear aqua blue.
On our way back we will stop at the Chat'n Chill on the beach where the cruisers gather from 2 to 4 daily. This is the meeting place for all the cruisers in the area. Everyone can meet new neighbors & talk about destinations. After a volleyball game, dominoes or just some conversation we will return to It's Perfect & watch the sun go down over Elizabeth Harbor.
The mail will run on Wednesday, with a little luck there will be something for us. Until our mail catches up with us we are having a great time, relaxing in between getting a few things accomplished & spending time with new friends.

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